Relax & sport

Lyžiarske stredisko SKI RÁZTOKA relax

Lyžiarske stredisko SKI RÁZTOKA relax

Zimné pobyty ponúkajú skvelú možnosť lyžovania na zjazdovke s dvoma lyžiarskymi vlekmi, pre dospelých 1000 a 720 metrov dlhé vleky a pre deti vlek o dĺžke 250 metrov, ďalej ešte kvalitné upravované…


Koliba Papradno Relax

Koliba Papradno Relax

Popri ubytovaniu a stravovaniu je v okolí koliby k dispozícií nekrytá jazdiareň, detské ihrisko, altán s kapacitou 60 miest a kryté ohnisko s kapacitou 20 miest.


Hotel Gino Park Palace **** Relax

Hotel Gino Park Palace **** Relax

Doprajte si skvelú masáž od našich skúsených masérov, a užite si neobyčajný deň alebo relaxačný večer v úžasnom prostredí. Po masáži odporúčame skvelú večeru v našej reštaurácii.


Kúpele Nimnica relax

Kúpele Nimnica relax

Relax navodzuje uvoľnenie organizmu z nahromadenej fyzickej i psychickej záťaže, zvyšuje odolnosť voči stresu.


Astronomický klub Juraja Bardyho

Astronomic club of Juraj Bardy

Astronomic club from Plevník-Drienové together with Astronomic cabinet near Považské enlightenment centre have been preparing expeditions of amateur astronomers for decades.


Klub slovenských turistov Manín

Manín club of Slovak tourists

The club is a civil association of people concerned with tourism. It secures the development of various activities, mainly hiking, cycling tourism, mountain, water, and ski tourism.


Jaskyniarsky klub Strážovské vrchy

Cave club Strážovské hills

Cave club Strážovské hills belongs among establishments of the Slovak Speleological Society, professional civil association of people concerned with karts and caving.


Považské osvetové stredisko v Považskej Bystrici

Považské enlightenment centre in Považská Bystrica

Enlightenment centre in Považská Bystrica is a regional cultural institution established by Trenčín autonomous region operating in Považská Bystrica, Púchov and Ilava districts.


PX Centrum

PX Centre

This organization secures cultural-social events in the city and in its suburban parts. Mier cinema seats in this organization and it also includes a tourist informational office which also seats in…


MŠK - športová hala

MŠK - sport hall

The sport hall MŠK is located in the residential area called SNP. Its operation began in 1989 and nowadays it serves mainly for purposes of handball club MŠK Považská Bystrica.


MŠK - zimný štadión

MŠK - Winter stadium

The winter stadium represents a base for sport activity of Hockey club 95 Považská Bystrica. The stadium offers 2500 places during matches, competitions, or other cultural events.


MŠK - letné kúpalisko

MŠK – outdoor swimming pool

The outdoor swimming pool is located nearby the city centre, at the beginning of Lány residential area. It offers a refreshing large pool with toboggan and a children’s pool.


MŠK - krytá plaváreň

MŠK – indoor swimming pool

Indoor swimming pool is located on a street called Ulica športovcov in the area of MŠK in Považská Bystrica nearby football and winter stadium.


SWIM CLUB - centrum oddychu, dobrej zábavy a relaxu pre vás

SWIM CLUB – centre of recreation, entertainment and relax

Modern equipment offers activities for all age categories. For those who prefer active relaxation we offer bowling or various dance courses.


Farma Papradno

Papradno farm

The farm is located in a lovely natural environment of Papradno village. It is famous for its sheep, cattle and horse breeding.


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Cities, municipalities, businesses and organizations that care about the Horné Považie.

Travel in Slovakia - Good Idea Ministerstvo dopravy a výstavby SR

Project is realised with financial support of Ministry of transport and construction of the Slovak republic