Chalet Papradno

Koliba Papradno Stravovanie Koliba Papradno Stravovanie Koliba Papradno Stravovanie Koliba Papradno Stravovanie Koliba Papradno Stravovanie Koliba Papradno Stravovanie Koliba Papradno Stravovanie Koliba Papradno Stravovanie Koliba Papradno Stravovanie

The chalet surrounded by maintained mountain meadows and pastures is located on a farm in Papradno village. It focuses on agro-tourism and recreation of family character. Chalet premises can be also used for organizing of large family celebrations, weddings, or company meetings.

The chalet capacity is 20 beds and the accommodation is available throughout the year in 2 doubles and 4 four-bedded rooms. Each room is equipped with satellite TV, shower, toilet and Wi-Fi connection. Accommodated guest are offered with all-day catering including breakfasts, lunches, dinners.


The restaurant with 50 seats offers tasty Slovak cuisine, sales of seasonal cheese products made of sheep milk and lamb meat.


In addition to accommodation and catering services, the surrounding of the chalet also offers an uncovered riding hall, playground, gazebo with 60 seats and a covered fireplace with 20 seats.

  • April – start of the season at Easter, live music, offer of dishes made of lamb meat, selling sheep cheese and boiled sheep whey
  • May– Bačova cesta (“Shepperd’s journey”) –opening ceremony of shepherd season organized in cooperation with the civic association Bačova cesta (“Shepperd’s journey”)
  • October – hunting feast - during selected weekend are offered venison dishes, live folk music
  • December – St. Nicholas pig-slaughter - over the weekend we prepare traditional regional pork specialties, live folk music

Where to find us

Papradno č. 1507, 018 13 Papradno, SK

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Cities, municipalities, businesses and organizations that care about the Horné Považie.

Travel in Slovakia - Good Idea Ministerstvo dopravy a výstavby SR

Project is realised with financial support of Ministry of transport and construction of the Slovak republic