Visits Church of Our Lady

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The oldest records about the original Gothic church come from the 14th century, older written documents were not preserved because the oldest church chronicles were burnt down during the city fire. The church underwent many changes and repairs during 17th and 18th century. We can observe elements of Renaissance and Baroque style. Besides serving masses, the church also serves as the final resting place – there are crypts, Baláš family were buried in three of them, the fourth one belonged to Sapári family and the fifth one was a mutual crypt for other inhabitants. The most massive sarcophagus was preserved in the crypts after Zigmund Balaš and his wife.

From the original single-nave single-tower church (back then with two side chapels), only Gothic presbytery with the interior was preserved and it forms one of the two side naves. The most massive central nave and the second side nave were added in 1941. The presbytery above altar lets us see the monumental fresco from 1959 – 1960 which was depicted by Edmund Massanyi, and it symbolizes the scene of Our Lady Visitation. The whole painting was completed by a native man Ján Rojko in 1988. Side naves are also decorated by frescos symbolizing Last Supper, the Passion, and Resurrection of the Lord Jesus Christ.

Where to find us

49°7'7.2"N, 18°27'1"E

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